Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

Trade Unit Class Room Area per Unit (In Square Metres) Total class room area for Trade (In Square Metres) Workshop Area per unit (In Square Metres) Total workshop area for Trade (In Square Metres) Remarks(Photograph etc. in link)
Electrician (3+3+3)=9 32.04 96.12 100.36 301.08 Electrician
Fitter (2+2+2)=6 54 104 89.3 178.6 Fitter
Electronic Mechanic (1+1)=2 32.04 32.04 58.2 58.2 Electronic Mechanic
Stenographer (1+1)=2 32.04 32.04 51.99 51.99 Stenographer


Galav Rishi Pvt. Industrial Training Institute is established in year 2010-11 by the efforts of professionals from Multinational companies having the experience in the field of manufacturing industries, banking sector & Education sectors.


Galav Rishi Pvt. Industrial
Training Institute

Gurikha Chowki, Malanpur, Bhind
(M.P.) – 477117

Mobile :7773004541 | 9425111788 | 7773004545
E-mail :